Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another family pic. just an update on us all. Mark is still looking to be a fire fighter. Braiden is doing well at school , he is now reading very well and writing he also starting math. He loves to draw and make up songs as well. Koley is talking so much now. She loves Elmo, she has to watch it every morning while she drinks her milk. For myself I am expecting another baby in August. So am tired and trying to keep up with the mom life.


The Stanford Bunch said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Yeah for a new baby!


Jenny Lynn said...

Caroline... I didn't know you had a blog!! Yea for blogging. Yours is way cute, suprise suprise!! :)

Novis said...

Yay! Congrats on the new baby! Thats so exciting! :o)

Anonymous said...

Caroline & Mark,

You have a sweet family. Nice to see your blog and hear about your family. Congrats on the up coming BABY!