Well here is out family Easter pic. As you can see Braiden as a black eye and both kids were really not in the mood to do pic. Kloey looked super cute in her new dress and Briaden was his handsome self. The kids had fun that morning dyeing eggs and looking for their Easter baskets. Then after church we went to my in-laws for dinner and for Ryan's birthday. It was a fun day. Oh the night before we went to the pageant. The kids had a blast a Kloey was so cute watching Jesus. She got really sad when he died. Braiden also liked the pageant it helped him understand the story more and when we read it in the scriptures we new what we were talking about. I am thankful to have a savior and be so blessed with a wonderful family! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.
Poor boy, why the black eye? Your kids outfits are super cute! Glad you had a great easter.
Cute, cute, You guys all look great! Sounds like you had a fun Easter.
i love that couch! I bet your house is so cute! Okay.. So I must be retarted. I know that we like like a mile apart from each other, but I guess I just never thought about the fact that we are in the same stake. LoL I was looking at our Stake Directory of the Primarys and I remeber that you said that you were over Nursery and I saw your name! How funny is that?!
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