Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kloey the mommy !!

Kloey has done very well Royce !! She calls him her "Baby Royce ". She loves to hold him and put his Binky in his mouth(even when he dose not want it). She also like to hold her baby dolls and bounce them when I am holding Royce and bouncing him. She is so cute, but at time she gets very bossy with me when it comes to taking care of Royce. I think Our Royce will have two moms in this house. Oh on a side note, I am pleased to say Kloey is also potty training and doing very well I might add. She just decided one day that she wanted to wear panties and she so has been wearing them ever since with out any big problems. I am very happy and you know it was not as bad as I thought it would be.

1 comment:

Jenny Lynn said...

She is so stinkin adorable! I love her poses. And Royce just keeps getting cuter and cuter!