Thursday, September 25, 2008

Monday"Trampoline Warning"

This is what happen when you put a dad who likes to jump on the trampoline together with a

6 year skinny little boy who love to do daring things!!
Do not do it!!!


Monday morning

8:30am: boy goes to school with two loos teeth. Mom thinks hey let make it a fun day and bring the boy out to lunch.

11:08am: Mom and Dad get to school to find out lunch is only 20 min. Mom says hey the is OK we can bring him back a little late for just today. Mom walks back to find boy. Finds boy sitting nurses office eating lunch because his tooth is loss and he dose not want to loss it in his food. Mom says Dad will pull it at lunch. Family goes to lunch Dad pulls tooth!! Yea another tooth gone!!
4:00pm: Boy comes home does home work, Family then goes to friends for dinner!! While at friends boy JUMPS on Trampoline with Dad. They are playing criss-cross apple sauce. Dad bounces boy too high boy come down! Lands on arm! OH NO, Mom and Dad does not think it is too bad.

7:00pm: Mom takes boy to ER (with out having dinner). Nurses and doctors say you will be here at least 4 hours or maybe overnight(boy gets drugs to help with pain and does not remember much else). X-ray comes back it is broken. Doctors say lets prep for surgery. Wow!! Mom did not know it would be this bad.

11:00pm: Nurses take boy to prep for surgery.

12:45am: Doctors come out of surgery. All went well.

Well Can I just say it has been a long week. Braiden the other day (Wed) was talking to a friend form school on the phone and told him that he was in the hospital for three days. I then told him that he was only in there for one and he said "you got to be kidding me". Braiden does really remember much other than jumping and going to to the ER. He had some good medicine. I am totally warn out and look here I am 11:oo at night blogging. Let just say I am hopeless. I can not stop going. Oh on Monday Briaden gets his cast and he can not wait to have everyone sign it. Oh this just a side not Kloey now has a hurt arm and all her toy now go to the hospital to get their arms fixed. She must doing everything Braiden does.

P.S. We still love you Brown Family and even though Braiden proclaims trampolines are his worst enemy I think he will someday rethink that. Oh and most of the doctors and nurses did not even have to ask how he got this broken arm!LOL!! Thank you to all friends and family for help this week!


The Stanford Bunch said...

Hey Caroline! It was good to read your blog and see all that's been going on in life, your fam is so cute! Love ya!

Jenny Lynn said...

I am so glad you aren't mad. I wish we could have helped or done more. I liked the way you told the story though, it was way cute!
I'm glad you invited me over the other night, it was super fun! We need to do some girls nights sometimes (like US with no kids for once!) You are always so fun and positive- I can't wait for our trip!

chris+amber said...

Poor Braiden! My sister did the exact same thing when she was about 10 years old. It was so sad/scary. I hope he's feeling better!