Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I am thankful for many things this year...
My Savior
My list could go on all day. We had a good Turkey Day this year. Mark and Braiden woke up early and went to go play foot ball while Koley, Rocey, and I stayed home to watch the parade and start cooking the turkey!! Yes I cook my first turkey. It really was not that hard. I found a good recipe and followed it exactly. I made sure to study it and read then reread it to make sure I was doing it right. I know this is silly but I had dreams the night before Thanksgiving that I had burned the turkey or had done something really bad to it. But not to worry all turned out good. Kloey and Royce really like the parade. Kloey could not wait to see Santa. Well Latter that day We all wrote on table what we were thankful for Braiden wrote a lot , It was cute to see how much he was thankful for and how much he is growing up. The first Kloey thing said she was thankful for was Jesus. I Love this time of year !!


Jenny Lynn said...

I love writing on the table idea, thats cute. And congrats on a yummy turkey, that is a huge success! I Love it all!

Keri Miller said...

Caroline, congratulations on the turkey well done! That's an accomplishement, becuase so many things have to be done at the same time. I miss having little ones around they bring such a sweet spirit!

Shelly said...

We are thankful for all of you!
Love, Mom/Grandma

chris+amber said...

Way to go! Cooking turkey is one of my biggest & silliest fears. Royce is growing so fast! So cute!